Love Is A Verb by Pramod Rajput

Book Blurb

As Manav opened his eyes, he saw Madhu sitting beside him, trying to wake him up. Her body fragrance and her damp hair suggested she had taken a shower. Manav’s eyes struggled to fully open, still heavy with sleep. He looked towards the window, and darkness still lingered outside. Glancing at the clock, he realized it was twenty minutes past three in the night.
“What’s the matter, Madhu?”
“Get up, wash your face, and freshen up. I’m heading to make tea. Then we’ll go for a walk in the park.”
“It’s still nighttime, Madhu. It’s only three-twenty in the morning,” he checked the clock again.
“Nighttime? I’m already up and have taken a shower. I thought it was morning.”

Genre: Romance

Writing Style:
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Overall Rating:

Love Is A Verb Book Review

  • Love is a Verb is set against the backdrop of the 1950s. It is the story of two beautiful characters, Manav and Madhu, and all those that surrounded them. Manav is an orphan, studying in Kanpur IIT. When Madhu enters his life, it’s love at first sight for him. 
  • Make way in your heart because this book is here to make an impact, and stay with you. Such a beautiful tale, with close-to-heart characters and plot, culturally and emotionally filled, you will be moved.
  • The story is fast faced, with the narration being spread geographically and spanning over several decades. Although, the long chapters did feel a bit stretched out at times. Each chapter dealt with a different phase in their lives.
  • If you like stories that deal with the aftermath of the hero and heroine getting together, you will love this book. Just a few pages into it, and you will find yourself immediately attached to the characters. The love and compassion between the protagonists, Manav and Madhu, will definitely melt your heart.
  • This book deals with a realistic exploration of love, and complexities of life and fate. It is an emotional ride on its own. The narrative skillfully addresses mental health phenomena, handling the subject matter with a commendable sensitivity. The last page really felt like the end of an era.
  • Read this book if you also believe in soulmates and/or like character driven stories. The language is easy to read, making it accessible to a wide range of readers, and ensuring an enjoyable reading experience for all.
  • If you really think about it, love is a verb, an action, of compassion, of caring. The title is really very clever, isn’t it. And the cover, it is a treat on its own.
  • Romance readers should not miss out on this book.

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