The Book Inspectors

The Book Inspectors

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An Analysis of the Book Preying 4 Rain

Preying 4 Rain by Steve Verba and Wayne Wright
Greed. What does greed do to an individual? What extents do people go to, for the sake of greed? Through this book, we follow Jamie’s life’s journey as she does umm.. things. One day she’s Jamie and next day she’s Soo Jin. How? You’ll have to find out that for yourself.

20 Best Romance Reads of the year 2022

Top 20 Romance Reads

Books can take us on journeys across time and galaxies or into the thick of a passionate love story, complete with all the swoon-worthy moments and a happily ever after. Great romance novels can be categorized into clichés and subgenres,…

11 Best Winter Reads of All Times

Best Cozy Winter Reads

Hello Folks! Winter is here, and the chilling winds are the perfect reason to curl up in a cozy blanket. Sitting near the fireplace or heater comfortably and binging on TV shows is excellent. However, trust us that nothing can…