Q.1 When and how did you become interested in writing books? Tell us a bit about your books.
Quite simply put, I have been a bookworm since I was a teenager. I could be found holding a fiction novel in my leisure time or during the holidays. After my graduation, I began writing a story in my notebook and it turned out to be a fiction novel a year later. Also, the flair of writing developed so much that I took interest in writing poetry. That was an epiphany moment for me and I published my first book Fragile Strings.
A year later my first romance fiction novel When Broken Hearts Meet was published as well. Until now, I have written five books. In the current reality, I’m working on my sixth book. My desire to be a versatile writer made me experiment with jotting down a poetry book, two romance novels, one short stories book and one mythology cum fantasy fiction book.
Q.2 What has the experience of writing and publishing 5 books been for you? How has your author journey been so far?
So to speak, my journey has been no less than an arduous struggle. My end goal is to be an established author someday. It hasn’t been easy yet. Despite all the struggle, my persistence to continue writing books hasn’t stopped. Writing to me comes very naturally and every time I finish writing a novel, I feel I’m coming closer to fulfilling my life purpose. Honestly, I have enjoyed writing all of my previous books. It brings me immense joy and I like to see my hard work, efforts and my entire creativity encompassed in a book.
Q.3 Apart from being a writer do you also like reading books? If yes, what are the top 3 books you would highly recommend, and what’s your most favorite genre?
Of course, I love reading books. My list of Top 3 books would be;
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,
- Karna’s Wife: The Outcast’s Queen by Kavita Kane
- The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. My favourite genre is Mythology.
Q.4 What are the challenges you faced while writing the books and how did you overcome them?
As a writer, you come across many challenges. Personally, for me, Consistency is a big challenge. There are some days when I lack creativity or the zeal to write. Creating a work needs a calm state of mind and not all days are the same. However, still, I do my best to keep that continuity in the work. I make sure that I am writing daily so as to keep going. Otherwise, the break brings a long pause and then for many days I find myself writing nothing.

Q.5 When choosing a book marketer, what factors are most important to you?
Marketing a book is a challenge in today’s competitive world and when I choose a book marketer, I usually want that reassurance that my hard work is reaching to the readers out there. It is in itself a successful task when at least most of the readers have read your book or suggested by another reader to read the book.
Q.6 What kind of research was required in order to capture the essence of mythological fantasy in your latest book titled “The Royal Peacock Crown”? Your favorite quote from the book!
It took me approximately three years to publish this mythological fantasy fiction. When I was reading Indian Hindu literature such as the Gita, The Mahabharata, and The Shiv Purana, I got inspired from reading these books and while reading ideas popped into my head. It was then that without knowing I began working on those ideas and wrote my fifth novel.
My favourite quote from my latest book is, “If I told you the destination, you still wouldn’t enjoy the journey, you would be restless and impatient and keep asking when we would reach. Did you ever wonder why God didn’t tell you all at once, all the things that would occur in your life?”
Q.7 If not a writer, which profession would best suit you? What are your likes, dislikes and hobbies?
Perhaps, I haven’t given a thought on such a matter as I love Writing. I like travelling a lot, painting on canvas, learning a musical instrument or reading fiction novels. What I don’t like is trying new cuisines because I am very sceptical in experimenting with food.
Q.8 What do you consider your greatest strength as a writer? What do you plan to write next?
I’m occupied in writing my sixth book at the present scenario. When I think about my greatest strength as a writer it would be inextinguishable passion and desire to create a book that sends a motivational or inspirational message to readers in the form of a story.

Q.9 Who are your target readers and why should they read your books?
It depends on the genre I’m writing on. If I’m writing romance, I’m targeting romance readers and If I’m writing mythology, it would be the readers who read mythology that I’m targeting. My books have characters which go through some sort of struggle. It could be struggle in the external world or internal and how the main character overcomes all those struggles and becomes a winner in his/ her own eyes. I think that is something readers would definitely find interesting to grab the book.
Q.10 If you could give any advice to aspiring writers, what would it be?
To always remain patient and kind to oneself. Albeit writing creatively a book is a pleasurable experience but there is no short-cut to the road to success. It demands patience. More than that, it is important that as a writer, you are not hard on yourself and enjoy the process of writing in the long run.
Good insights
Thank You!
Nice to know the insights of author. Questions were so unique and authors responses are truly inspiring
The Royal Peacock Crown is one of my favorites in the recent times by this author
Oh that’s really wonderful!
engaging interview
Thank You!