Book Blurb

Loneliness can crush the soul, particularly when a person has lost a lifelong mate. To blonde, voluptuous Jamie and Korean fireplug, Soo Jin, loneliness is not a condition, but an opportunity, ripe for exploitation. Those sick old men don’t need properties and money; they need to die. All they do is ‘veg in front of a TV all day, popping their meds. On the other hand, Jamie and Soo Jin still have a lot of life left in them. They need those properties and money to live life to its fullest. Perhaps those wealthy old guys just need a little push to speed up the process. And so they scheme, lying in wait for an aneurysm ready to burst, a cancer ready to spread, a heart ready to fail: leaving in their wake a trail of dead old men and devastated families. Meet Jamie and Soo Jin, Black Widows of Preying 4 Rain…or might we suggest, avoid Jamie and Soo Jin at all costs…if you’d rather keep your loved ones alive.

Get your copy today and protect your loved ones!

Book Review

  • Greed. What does greed do to an individual? What extents do people go to, for the sake of greed? Through this book, we follow Jamie’s life’s journey as she does umm.. things. One day she’s Jamie and next day she’s Soo Jin. How? You’ll have to find out that for yourself.
  • She targeted old men, who did not need their money because they were about to be dead soon. The scheming, the lying, the adrenaline rush, it’ll give you all. What goes inside the mind of a criminal while they plan their crime, you can see it for yourself as you dwell into Jamie’s story, peeking into her mind.
  • The title ‘Preying 4 rain’ itself got us intrigued in the first place. The cover however, does not go well. It could have been more exciting and interesting. Something to do justice to the story.
  • The story is an overall ride and as you finish the story, we are sure you’ll get your dramatic ending. Goosebumps are guaranteed in the final pages.
  • The story also has some explicit scenes including violence. So we definitely do not recommend this to the light hearted. Other trigger warnings- elder abuse and substance abuse.
  • The plot is fast paced, moving from one location to other, one year to another year hastily. Despite Jamie being the protagonist of the story, the other character have a great hold over the plot. Colby was definitely one of them. But still, Jamie remains our favorite because she’s one hell of a character.
  • If you are into intense reads, this could be your next pick.

Genre: Socio-psychological Thriller

Age Group: 18+

Writing Style:
Entertainment Quotient:
Overall Rating:

– Sakshi Tiwari
